Monday, July 2, 2012

Five Simple ways to recover from penguin update

1. Get rid of all unrelated links on your website.
If you have a sports blog and you have been accepting guest posts about business, chances are your site is filled with unrelated links. Make sure that going forward you only post related links on your site such as sports marketing, sporting event promotional items, etc. Spend your time trying to get rid of as many of these links as you can and then trying to build up more related links on your website. According to experts, at least 20 percent of all links on a website should be from related websites. Recover from Penguin Update
2. Only obtain backlinks by guest posting on relevant sites or by providing great content.
Many sites were also hit because they had a history of buying backlinks; therefore many spam-type websites are displaying links to your website. It is never a good idea to buy backlinks because these are almost always automated links that connect your website with spam-type websites. Talk with these sites and ask them to remove your links, and make sure going forward you are not buying backlinks, but earning them because of your quality content. Recover from Penguin Update
3. Try and get links to your site with different anchor texts.
Some site owners were hit by Penguin because they had hundreds of identical anchor texts pointing back to their site. This makes it look as though your links are potentially spam and not natural. If you're targeting the keyword "web hosting," try and use a variety of anchor texts—web hosting providers, web hosting companies, web hosting sites, etc. Recover from Penguin Update
4. Keep the number of ads limited, and focus on navigation for your readers.
These are two things that spam sites simply don't have correct, and Google is quickly catching on and trying to use this as an indicator of a spam site. It is extremely important that your site is designed for users and not search engines. Make sure it is easy to navigate from page to page (utilizing internal linking, install breadcrumbs, etc.) and it isn't filled with ads. Consider talking with some of your readers about how you can improve their experience. Recover from Penguin Update
5. Try and include only contextual links.
If you have a lot of sponsored links on your website that are simply stuffed in your footers on in a sidebar, no matter how authoritative they may be, you may have been hit by Penguin. Google much prefers links that are within the body of content because content is what is ultimately valuable to most Google users. This helps ensure that the link is relevant. Recover from Penguin Update
Know everything to recover from penguin Click Here

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